We had a family BBQ for Oliver's first birthday this past Sunday. It was the first time we have ever been able to fit everyone in our house, and it was really nice! All day long Tavin had been asking "Can I have a cupcake now? Can I have a cupcake now?" You can imagine the excitement when the time finally came! Other than being obsessed with the cupcakes, Tavin did surprisingly well. He blew out the candle for Oliver, but he let Oliver open his own presents...he didn't even try to take any of the toys away! It helped that family gave him a few cars and some crazy toy that makes your voice sound like a robot when you speak into it. Robots and Transformers are definitely a huge hit at our house right now! Oliver was his usual serious self, and I couldn't get him to smile for the life of me. HOWEVER, when he realized that toys were involved, it was a completely different story! When he gets excited he repeats, "Ohhhh ya ya ya, Ohhhh ya ya ya" in a shaky little voice over and over. We heard a lot of it as he opened his presents. Sorry it has taken me so long to get these pictures up. Things have been a little crazy over in the photography world...if you get a chance check out the latest projects. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us, and for those of you who couldn't be here is some of the action...

This is his tough biker look, not to be confused with his everyday serious look.

And finally some smiles!
1 comment:
Awww! I'm sad I missed it! I'm glad he had fun though! I have his present, here in Iowa! HA!
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