We had the best time today at the Tacoma Children's Museum. The theme right now is health. They had a "farmers' market" set up where the kids could pick fruit off of trees or pull it from the ground, weigh it, and purchase it. It was pretty cute, and it got me excited for our Farmers' Market opening in about a month. They had a rock climbing wall and a yoga room set up too! Oliver even had fun chewing on a plastic potato and watching all of the kids play. You can get in free at the Children's Museum through the Pierce County Library. They have passes that you can check out for up to three weeks, and they are good for 4 people to get in. Also, the Children's Museum changes the theme every few months, so it is fun to come back and see what is new. Of course Tavin had to go see the fish water fountain across the street when we were done. Talk about wet and freezing!
last year anyway, it was free on thursdays when the tacoma farmers market is right there out in front of it, but it was a disaster area, we played alot but it was all unorganized. And we did some fun painting.
Do you know about the free days on the first Friday of every month? We went a couple months ago and will probably go back next free day. Only thing I don't like is that there isn't much for Clark to do.
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